东莞市科仑五金电子有限公司成立于2008年。是一家集模具设计制造、五金冲压、五金压铸、产品组装、线材成型于一体的安防连接器厂家。 主要生产:射频同轴连接器、音视频连接器,共有十几个种类、上千种产品;公司生产系列有:BNC、F、SMA、SMB、MMCX、TNC、N、RCA、FME、1.6/5.6、UHF等
产品广泛应用于: 视频光端机,DVR,NVR,HD-SDI,高清数字矩阵,高清电视机顶盒,无线AP等领域。
F type joining devices use for 75Ωcable assign system, especially CATV, broadcast television network, It can already be used for having impedance to mate the occasion required, can be used in not mating the occasion too. It is joined, inserts helping jointly that its characteristic is whorl , the price is suitable.
F type joining devices can exchange and use with the similar products in the world. FL10 products are M10X0.75 whorl, the structure, performance are the same as F type.