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WHITE液压马达RE530/WHITE液压马达、WHITE hydraulics、WHITE hydraulics motor、WHITE液压马达、美国WHITE HYDRAULICS液压马达、WHITE HYDRAULICS驱动产品、WHITE-厦门市斯维尔进出口有限公司 WHITE液压马达RE530的详细介绍 WHITE液压马达RE530 美国WHITE HYDRAULICS公司是一家生产液压马达和驱动产品的公司,也是获得ISO认证的家美国的液压马达制造商。其产品广泛应用于诸如:散料喂料车,叉车,提升车,绞车,锯木机械等等。 其产品系列如下:BK,CE,DR,DT,D9,FD,HB,MP,MR,RE,RG,RP,RS,ST等。 产品材质: 铸钢 产品描述: 美国WHITE(怀特)马达RS特征: 1、高压VITON轴封:提供优良的密封寿命和性能,并且去消了对壳体泄油的需要; 2、压力供油轴承:表面承受清洁、冷却的强制油流; 3、ROLLER STATOR马达设计:通过使用滚子接触,对比使用固定、滑动接触设计,提高了效率和寿命; 4、匹配的磨削轴伸:和壳体孔匹配保持较高的容积效率; 5、重载驱动连接:采用全流量润滑,提高寿命。 价格低,技术并不低 RS系列马达是WHITE HYDRAULICS产品系列中经济的型号,但是技术并不低。不像竞争者的产品那样消耗功率的、带有滑动接触点的两片式转子副设计,RS系列采用了专利的ROLLER STATOR设计,七个精密的滚子用于接触点,减少磨擦,为你的应用提供更大的功率和更长的使用寿命。每根输出轴都是定制磨削的,保持壳体与轴之间精密的公差,导致很高的容积效率。工业标准的安装法兰和输出轴允许RS系列马达和竞争者的设计产品互换。 详细信息: WHITE液压马达RE530 厦门市斯维尔进出口有限公司 The White Drive Products formerly White Hydraulics story begins in the early 1960’’s in the town of Maryville, Missouri. Harvey Whitehis father, Hollis, Sr., were manufacturing agricultural implements as White Engineering, Inc. While subcontracting on a piece of equipment, Harvey saw an early installation of a new type of hydraulic gerotor motor. In Harvey’s words, “it almost, but not quite, worked”. He also had some ideas as to how to make a better motor. His brother Hollis, Jr., was a mechanical engineering student at the University of Missouri-Columbia at this timethe two developedpatented their motor. This patent also covered their invention as a power steering device. White Engineering started manufacturing this deviceRoss, Inc. of West Lafayette, Indiana, who manufactured mechanical power steering unitswanted to license the White technology, later contacted the firm. Soon the Maryville facility was rented to Ross to manufacture hydraulic motorspower steering units under license from White Engineering. The sign on the building was changed to Ross Division, TRW, when the giant corporation purchased the firm. Eventually, production was moved to West Lafayet
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